I was born 1985 and spent my childhood and youth in the backwoods of Milan, Italy. A lot of books, comic strips and a constantly growing stamp collection helped me fight against afternoon boredom and inspired me to my first drawings.
2002 a school exchange program brought me to Kaiserslautern, a city in southwest Germany. After senior high school I moved to Berlin, where I studied education with a focus on media-pedagogy. Later I worked as a project manager for a publisher, as a teacher and as a social educator. But I missed something: daily activities with pencils and colors.
And that’s how it happened that since 2012 I address myself completely to illustration. I prefer to use China ink and watercolor, or colorful markers for graphic recording – but I also like to experiment with other techniques.
The city and its building have become a central thematic focus of my work. Since the beginning of 2018 I have been living in South Germany. I am often outside, preferably with a small “goal”: When I go for a walk, I take my sketchbook with me, look for wild herbs for cooking and homemade cosmetics or help friends in the garden. On particularly nice days I clean up my racing bike to explore the surroundings of the Lake Constance. And if it gets too cold outside, I roll out the yoga mat and then cook a warm rose hip tea.
Artistic Basic Data
2012 – 2016: study “Illustration Design” in Berlin
Since 2013: freelancer illustrator
Customers: stock companies as ADO Properties, Deutsche Bahn, GASAG, Sanofi and Siemens, as well as regional authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises, agencies and publishers
Teaching: workshops “How To Design Flipcharts” for educational institutes and company teams, talk about illustration at the dpa-Infografik, workshop “Intuitive Drawing”, private lessons in “Vizualization”
Exhibitions: „Moabit am Sonntag“ at Salon Gartenhaus Parterre in Berlin, „Berlin am Sonntag“ at Frauenzentrum Marie e.V., Participation in the Long Illustration Night 2016, group exibitions at the AID Berlin
Publications: “Berlin – Ein Reiseheft für Besucher und neugierige Bewohner” (Berlin – A Travel Pad for Guests and Curious Inhabitants), illustration blog “Berlin am Sonntag” with a streetscape a week (2014–2016)
Awards: first prize for the “Illustration of the Invisible Girl Pepa” by the Goloseo Verlag